What is needed ?
- ldsped needs the configuration file ldsped.conf in /etc/ax25. Without it will not start.
- It has to run as root, since it has to connect to the system ax25 sockets.
- When you want to get MHeard lists, the mheardd daemon has to run on your system.
Below is the sample configuration file, each configuration option has comments to help you understand their meaning.
Some of the options are discussed more in detail in the faq.
# ldsped.c - agwpe linux replacement # # Copyright (C) 2006,2009 Lieven De Samblanx, ON7LDS. All rights reserved # # This is the ldsped configuration file. #Loglevel, higher = more verbose. #Overrules the commandline setting # #The commandline setting will be replaced from the moment # this keyword is processed. If we set it here, in the beginning # of the config file, it will be applied immediately. loglevel 3 # define packet engine ports ro *:8000 rw *:8001 #ro *:8002 #define passwords #password ON7LDS LDS #password ON4DVT DVT #define traffic object : # - socket (for mrtg) trafficport *:8005 #station status text stationtext $V (check # - amount of traffic status beacons per hour traffic 4 # - Name of the object trafficname TRAFMON trafficpath WIDE3-3 # - Owner call #trafficcall ON7LDS # - position trafficpos 5059.39N\00453.90E? # -1 = send traffic object on all ports # 0,1, ... = send traffic object on specified port trafficsendport -1 #define probe : probestring PHG70302/lsdped probe probepath WIDE2-2 probesendport -1 #probecall ON7LDS #If you use Paclink, set this to 1 #It produces a less readable portinfo string, # but Paclink is expecting a rather strict string layout #No other programs have been mentioned to require this port_info_compatible 0 #Since there seems to be no way for ldsped to find out # these parameters, you should put them here, so ldsped # can answer the 'g' frame. #If you application(s) do not use the 'g' frame, it # is not necessary to set the parameters here. #Again : these paramaters are ONLY informational for ldsped # they are not used anywhere (only for answering the 'g' frame) TX_DELAY 25 TX_TAIL 4 PERSIST 128 SLOTTIME 15 MAXFRAME 6 #----- APRSQ query scripts : #scriptuser is the UID which will be used to execute the scripts. # if none set, 65534 (user nobody) will be used #scriptuser 1000 #scriptgroup is the GID which will be used to execute the scripts. # if none set, 65534 (group nogroup) will be used #scriptgroup 1000 #Here come the query / script pairs. scriptpath datum /bin/date scriptpath tijd /bin/date +%H:%M:%S scriptpath up /usr/bin/uptime